I guess I’ll start at the beginning.
At the ripe age of 6, I decided it would be really cool for my best friend and I to “run away to China to open a restaurant” (I loved my weekly family dinners at our local Chinese spot). We packed a couple t-shirts in our JanSports and promptly walked off campus instead of to daycare. To answer your most pressing question, yes, I got in a lot of trouble once we were found.
I got a few other things too, though. I learned I loved to challenge what I was supposed to do (to my parents’ dismay probably up through today 😇). I’ve had the most fun and felt the most fulfilled achieving goals, reaching life milestones and overcoming challenges by doing it by avoiding any formulas.
Largely due to my phenomenal mentors throughout my life, my journey has landed me leadership roles at every stage of my life from athletic teams to some of the most successful tech startups of the century all the way to NGOs in Europe and Asia where I made the most amazing memories.
🗣 Life and how to get what you want. No topic is too personal here.
committed. Throughout the last 12 years, I've actively pursued leadership, coaching and mentorship roles that have allowed me to be a part of so many success stories and include so many people in mine. I’d love to share more about my journey with you and learn about yours so we can ultimately get you closer to where you want to be, whether that’s in your personal life, professional life or anything in between.